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How Can Facebook Help a B2B?

By now we all know that everyone’s on Facebook. But can your B2B benefit from Facebook?

For C2Bs, a presence on Facebook is a natural progression. Whereas for many B2Bs, entering the digital space may seem a bit uncomfortable. However, things are changing and the number of B2Bs on Facebook is on the rise.

Even though B2Bs may technically market their products and services to other businesses, B2Bs must embrace the opportunity to connect with customers whenever and wherever possible. 

The key to success on Facebook is engagement. B2Bs should focus on acquiring potential customer’s interaction through Facebook 'likes.' Most Facebook users spend a majority of their time on their news feed, your best, and realistically only, chance of staying relevant in today's online landscape is by registering as many Facebook likes as possible. In other words, view likes as a gateway to fostering a connection that will potentially blossom into lead generation. 

Additionally, share content within your Facebook stream to incorporate these leads with your likes. Now that you’ve got the likes and the leads, you want to focus on nurturing them with your unique content to convert these leads into customers. 

Your content should be creative and functional, so as to not be forgotten in the shuffle of Facebook’s EdgeRank. And don’t forget to mix in contests and other compelling campaigns to attract new business.